Sound Artist Janet Cardiff, who works alongside Georges Bures Miller (see link in side bar for more info) uses Binaural Microphones to record her "Walks"
These microphones actualize 3-D sound, and when you listen to her walks (she literally goes on walks and tells a story) it sounds as though u are actually walking with her... I have a couple MP3s recordings of her walks if you are interesting in listening to one or a few of them in full length.. however you can listen to excerpts to some of them on the website (click on the word Walks) =)

PHOTO: Janet records her walks while carrying a mannequin head that is wearing the microphones... so that mannequin head becomes the listener...
I have become recently extremely interested in Sue De Beer's work. In her latest video SISTER she collaborates with Alissa Bennett: writer and wife of artist Banks Violett ( see previous post for more examples of her writing). Bennett writes the screenplays and monologues/spoken words that are included in DeBeer's videos. SISTER, is beautifully haunting, enigmatic, and even playful. I encourage everyone to watch this beautiful and intimate portrayal of a relationship between sisters.

This piece struck a connective chord... for many reasons i could draw correlations from my personal experiences, and was extremely moved by this piece... some stills i could relate with

things sisters do...

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