I am in a mad pursuit to figure out what exactly this abstract machine is and how it functions. For back ground... it is the way in which everything i see, hear, think, experience, etc. becomes amalgamated and abstracted, it is the sort of lens in which my world is constructed out of, and it is why I do and make the things I do... (reworded into my own from Lance)
i will take the top down approach for now...
SO... as per my diverse range of interests and fascinations we have loosely deciphered that all the things i have thus far been mentioning and thinking about have underlying similarities... thinking about other work i have made as well....
it appears that my machine digs systems, structures, and multiples
The above, stated all encompassing which will provide to enhance, connect, and speak more clearly about my work...
More closely it is this assigning of meaning to things (words/different languages spoke and visual)...
so i like words... (facetious, deprecated, maelstrom, monolithic, they are fun)...
I also enjoy water... the color the texture its properties as a light reflective clear liquid medium... I really like clear or reflective materials that can take the image of something and make its own version of it ... translation...(perhaps what is lost in any translations/interaction/from person to person/material to material)... Ontology... how a reality is constructed... how we contrive our realities... the truth is our reality which is really not universally true because it is contrived and constructed some how fashioned and tailored to fit our ...perhaps abstract machine.... i like making connections even if they are only related by something small and obscure...
Artists I REALLY like! (in order of importance and influence)
Marcel Duchamp
Francis Picabia
Pipilotti Rist
Eva Hesse
Matthew Ritchie
BIll Viola
Janet Cardiff & George Burres Miller
Olaffur Elliason
Jenn Dalton
Evelyn Glennie (deaf percussionist)