Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I am in pursuit of learning the icelandic ( íslenska ) language ... =)

thus far i can count to 10, say the alphabet, and a few curses... thanks to Rammsteinfreak93


í/ý as the English ee in feel
ú as the English oo in school
u similar to the German ö in schön, or the French e in le
æ as the English i in ice
ei/ey as the English a in fate
ó similar to the English o in old
au diphthong starting as ö and ending with a y-sound, similar to the French feuille
é as the English ye in yes
-ng, -nk before –ng, -nk, i is pronounced as í, e as ei, u as ú, ö as au, o as ó, a as á.
Ð/ð as the English th in that
Þ/þ as the English th in think

Terms and phrases

Hello Halló
Good morning Góðan daginn
Good evening Gott kvöld
Good night Góða nótt
Goodbye Bless
See you Sjáumst
Hi Hæ
Yes Já
No Nei
Thank you Takk fyrir
Excuse me Afsakið
Sorry Fyrirgefðu
Perhaps Kannski
Not Ekki
Stop! Stans
money peningar
creditcard kreditkort
foreign exchange gjaldeyrisskipti
coins mynt
map kort
address heimilisfang
bagage farangur
car bíll
taxi leigubíll
stamp frímerki
post office pósthús
What Hvað
Where Hvar
When Hvenær?
Who Hver?
Why Hvers vegna?
campsite tjaldstæði
doctor læknir
telephone sími
toilet snyrting
Youth Hostel Farfuglaheimili


beer bjór
bread brauð
butter smjör
chicken kjúklingur
coffee kaffi
egg egg
fish fiskur
fries franskar kartöflur
lamb lamb
milk mjólk
onion laukur
potatoe kartafla
tea te

Days and months

Monday mánudagur
Tuesday þriðjudagur
Wednesday miðvikudagur
Thursday fimmtudagur
Friday föstudagur
Saturday laugardagur
Sunday sunnudagur

January janúar
February febrúar
March mars
April apríl
May maí
June júní
July júlí
August ágúst
September september
October október
November nóvember
December desember

Geographer meanings

Fjord fjörður
Bay flói
Waterfall foss
Crater gígur
Cave hellir
Port höfn
Lava field hraun
Glacier jökull
Hot spot laug
Lake vatn
Small bay vík


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Bryce Wesley Merkl said...

I hope your quest to learn Icelandic goes well. You may find this to be a helpful resource:

Íslenska wiki browser