Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Delanda on Deleuze

This lecture (in 8 parts) is incredible and amazing and some of the things he says i have found myself previously thinking...
I love when you hear someone say something and you are like "I KNOW, RIGHT!!!! Exactly what I have been saying/thinking"

The itch!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Held together by tape

Composed of solidifed acryllic house paint... and thread... currently held together by long strings of painters tape until i have it completely sewn and stable ... the last photo is of a plethora of pre primes canvas strips with white paint drips and polyurethane to strike up a nice material conversation!!!!

folding and cutting

you know when you fold a piece of paper and then cut out the shape... maybe the shape of a person and then it turns out to be a bunch of people holding hands....

I used the shape of a dress... (strapless)

and when i unfolded it created this nice barrier that curved into itself creating a small space...

Im interested in how i could materialize this ... i like this space and would like to project onto it and the individual dresses and then the dresses collectively... or perhaps ... what if the negative space created the outline of a dresss... or continuously grew

Light (weight), transparent, reflective, and light passes through it

To reiterate ..."Light (weight), transparent, reflective, and light passes through it "

That is the kind of materials I am really attracted to...
So i have a bunch of these transparency sheetss i obtained at a garage sale a couple years ago for a $
...while playing around with them i noticed that were great at reflecting and obscuring/abstracting the image it reflected...

SOme examples

** notice the keyboard =)

DeLanda 2008 Lecture

Can be found in 9 parts on YouTube 

part 1.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Abstract Machine

I am in a mad pursuit to figure out what exactly this abstract machine is and how it functions. For back ground... it is the way in which everything i see, hear, think, experience, etc.  becomes amalgamated and abstracted, it is the sort of lens in which my world is constructed out of, and it is why I do and make the things I do... (reworded into my own from Lance)


i will take the top down approach for now...

SO... as per my diverse range of interests and fascinations we have loosely deciphered that all the things i have thus far been mentioning and thinking about have underlying similarities... thinking about other work i have made as well.... 

it appears that my machine digs systems, structures, and multiples

The above, stated all encompassing which will provide to enhance, connect, and speak more clearly about my work... 

More closely it is this assigning of meaning to things (words/different languages spoke and visual)... 

so i like words... (facetious, deprecated, maelstrom, monolithic, they are fun)... 
I also enjoy water... the color the texture its properties as a light reflective clear liquid medium... I really like clear or reflective materials that can take the image of something and make its own version of it ... translation...(perhaps what is lost in any translations/interaction/from person to person/material to material)... Ontology... how a reality is constructed... how we contrive our realities... the truth is our reality which is really not universally true because it is contrived and constructed some how fashioned and tailored to fit our ...perhaps abstract machine.... i like making connections even if they are only related by something small and obscure... 

Artists I REALLY like! (in order of importance and influence)

Marcel Duchamp 
Francis Picabia 
Pipilotti Rist 
Eva Hesse
Matthew Ritchie
BIll Viola 
Janet Cardiff & George Burres Miller 
Olaffur Elliason 
Jenn Dalton 
Evelyn Glennie (deaf percussionist) 


Monday, July 7, 2008


Artists dealing with Architecture... Psycho Building: artists take on architecture is the exhibition
--> there is a sweet video at the bottom of the page (
  • -Artists dealing with the structure of the Hayward Museum in honor of its 40th anniversary 
  • -experience that deals with all the senses and how we experience space \
  • - artists play with architectural structure and language 
  • -Explosions... air port city...Memory... Olfactory.. suspending a moment
My Favorite::: Fog FROG.... 
  • ********and using cloves and dealing with the olfactory !!!! SMELL Is the most primordial sense that is experienced in the back of the brain in close proximity to the spinal cord... it the only sense that has i believe 54 neural sensory receptors (the eyes have ONLY 4!!!) ... and it less likely to be Abstracted!!!!!! It is the Most REAL and HUMAN!!!!! .. your hearing and seeing occurs in the prefrontal cortext approximately the forehead area and is subjected to Abstraction!!!!!!!

(need to print this... Its hard to read via Online... plus you loose something within the experience without that tactility...)

*** Dick Hebdige - Street clothing 
***Deleuze - 1,000 plateaus
*** (find something on hyperbolic planes!!!!!!)